Thursday, August 25, 2011

When a child goes missing.

With 39 years of search and rescue experience I am considered and expert in finding missing people. (Adults and children). I have documented one of the highest recovery rates in the world of missing children.

When a child goes missing, here's what should happen.
The law enforcement agency should respond immediately, work up a missing persons profile, bring in their detectives, polygraph witnesses, suspects, members of the family, friends involved with the missing child.

While this is being done, a trained search and rescue dog team trained in forensic scent evidence identification should be brought in to the child's home, school, as well as each of the suspect(s), parents, family, and friend(s), vehicles to see if the search dog can detect live, stress, or death scent.

This would show law enforcement immediately where to focus their ongoing investigation. If this is not done, then you have a case that is redirected and mismanaged and brings no closure to the family and more importantly the missing child.

When an agency allows politics to get involved they lose focus of why they wear the badge. The badge is a symbol issued to them by the community. It's a badge of trust.
The trust that they will do their job free of prejudice, politics, and focus only on justice for the missing child. When that focus is tainted there is no going back.

over the last 25 years I've developed a forensic search dog training method that works.

We've used this method effectively on thousands of missing adult and children cases and it's upheld it's integrity in the courtroom and under close inspection by the FBI and Dept of Justice as well as many other L.E. agencies.

When an agency refuses to allow a forensic scent evidence dog team to do their job,
they are failing the child, their family and the community they serve.

For more information on Foresnic scent evidence write me at

This kind of detection has showed me whether the witness is in fact just that or a suspect.

It has repeatedly over the last 8600 cases showed me what really happened to the victim. Did the victim leave on their own or were they murdered and this was a cover up?

When a person dies they stain the ground they die on. When someone stuffs their remains into a vehicle the victim's death scent stains the vehicle and search dogs trained in detecting forensic scent evidence can determine if a particular person was injured, alive, or dead in a room, house, container, or vehicle.

This is how we found Ashley Pond and Miranda Gaddis on March 20th 2002 in Ore. City, ore. When the FBI and OCPD went public and said they had found nothing after their 7 public searches with their dog teams and detectives. After it was all said and done, we were proven 100% accurate in our findings.

Harry Oakes
SAR Coordinator

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